Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blog 7

           Ben Shelton's emoji presentation is one that stuck out to me the most. I think a huge reason why it stuck out is because I use emojis everyday and when the phone gets a new update one of the first things I look for is the new emojis. It was really cool to see how one of the greatest presidents to ever exist Abe Lincoln used the first ever emoji (maybe). We still don't know how he meant to used it but he used the ;). After this was used the emoticon was used in the 60s-70s. Then in 1999 Shigetaka Kurita created the first emoji's. Ben explained how emojis were used today. How emojis are almost part of our speech. Emojis legit can create a whole sentences on their own. Ben made it very easy to understand and follow along in his speech because he stood in front of the class and projected his voice out into the audience. He got the audience involved by asking questions and using pictures and was very confident in how he gave his speech which helped us as the audience trust him and his words.  

I was a big fan of the Netflix presentation by Madison. I use Netflix almost everyday it feels like and to hear how it was formed and how it was made was very interesting. The first thing that stuck out to me was when she mention the Pros and Cons. She first said how the Pros consists of being Affordable. Netflix is relatively affordable compared to traditional cable TV, with a variety of subscription options to fit different budgets.It's easy to use and has a user-friendly interface that allows you to search for and find content quickly and easily. Netflixhas a wide selection of content: Netflix offers a large library of movies, TV shows, and documentaries from different genres and countries. The cons of Netflix are Addiction. Binge-watching can become addictive, and it can be challenging to stop watching once you start. This can lead to procrastination and lack of productivity. I remember Madison mentioned about how kids don't go outside as much anymore because of Netflix and how it is a huge reason for the term "Screenagers". She also mentioned Limited content availability: Some content on Netflix is only available in certain countries or regions, which can be frustrating if you live in a country where your favorite show or movie is not available.

 I also liked Brandon Allen's project on the internet and the world wide web. He mentioned where the internet started with 2 computers exchanging data over a low speed dial up line. He mentioned how the internet

Showed off the idea at ICCC In 1972 (International Computer Communication Conference) which Created Email and Became largest used application of the decade. The World Wide Web Went live in 1991, released in 1992. 

Allowed for creation of “domains” that any computer could visit Internet Explorer released in 1995. Then Brandon goes into some of the first uses of the internet which was rapid commutation - news - stock market - Digital Entertainment. He was very knowledgeable and confident

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