Thursday, April 20, 2023

Blog 9

Five Eyes was established during the Cold War to counter any intelligence activities of the soviet union or any other communist country. Five eyes are five countries...5 English speaking countries. New Zealand, Australia, Canada, UK and USA. Five Eyes continued to operate to this day and has expanded its scope beyond just military and political intelligence gathering. They now are involved in a wide range of activities, including counter-terrorism, cyber-security, and economic espionage. However, the exact details of the alliance's operations and activities remain largely classified from the public view. The alliances is also committed to upholding values like democracy and human rights. The Five countries see themselves as defenders of these values and work together to combat threats to them, such as terrorism and authoritarian. 

                                                                          EOTO #2: Five Eyes

Five Eyes enhanced national security by allowing member countries to share intelligence information and conduct surveillance activities, which can help enhance their national security to protect their citizens against terrorism and cyber attacks. They share expertises which can lead to more effective intelligence operations and counterterrorism efforts. They also have a mutual defense which means five eyes countries will come to each others aid in the event of an attack. When there are Pros there are cons. Fives eyes has privacy concerns. The alliance surveillance activities can raise privacy concerns as they involve the monitoring of citizens communications and activities. They also have a unequal power. The alliance is dominated by the US, which has significantly more resources and expertise than the other member countries. This can lead to a conflict between the alliance. Potential for abuse of the surveillance by the five eyes countries can be abused by the government, Particularly if there are weak checks and balances on their intelligence activities. 

Five Eyes have an effect on all of us. Surveillance, Privacy, Freedom of Speech, Political dissent. The Five Eyes countries have extensive surveillance capabilities, which could be used to monitor your online activities, commutations and other personal information. If you are a citizen of one of the Five Eyes countries, or if you live in a country that has a close relationship with alliance you may be subject to surveillance by these countries. The surveillance activities of the Five Eyes alliance can raise privacy concerns, particularly if you are someone who values your privacy and doesn't want your personal information to be collected and monitored. The alliances activities could potentially have an effect on freedom of the press particularly if people or groups are afraid to speak out of fear of the government.

Five Eyes alliance can affect you depending on a number factors and that not everyone will be affected in the same way. However it's worth being aware of the implications of the alliances activates particularly if you values your privacy or engage in activities that could be seen as politically sensitive or controversial  

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