Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Supreme Court

From the article, I learned that the Supreme Court has a very limited number of cases it hears each year, receiving about 7,000-8,000 petitions annually but only selecting and hearing about 80 of them. I also learned that the Chief Justice of the United States has the power to choose who writes the opinion of the Court in a case where they are part of the majority decision.

The most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court is that it is an essential component of the United States government, with the power to interpret and enforce the Constitution, as well as check the powers of the legislative and executive branches of government. The Court's decisions can have long-lasting impacts on American society and can help to shape the direction of the country.

Another important takeaway point about the Supreme Court is that it is the highest court in the United States and serves as the final interpreter of the Constitution and federal law. Its decisions are binding on all lower courts, as well as the executive and legislative branches of the government. The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review, which means it can declare laws and executive actions unconstitutional, and it plays a critical role in shaping the legal and social landscape of the United States. The justices on the Supreme Court are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and they serve for life or until retirement, which ensures their independence from political pressure.

The most surprising thing I learned is that the Supreme Court once had a provision that prohibited justices from riding circuit and practicing law, but that was lifted in the late 19th century.The article helped me to further appreciate the critical role that the Supreme Court plays in American democracy and how it has evolved throughout history to become the institution it is today.


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