Thursday, April 27, 2023


                              RELATIONSHIPS/EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY

    In general, technology can be a positive force in our lives, helping us become more efficient, connecting and informing us. However, it’s essential to maintain a healthy balance and not let technology consume too much of our time and attention. Some people may be more prone to technology addiction or over-reliance on devices, which can lead to negative impacts on their mental health and relationships. 

    Regarding information, technology can be a double edge sword when you think about it. While it can provide us with easy access to vast amounts of information which can also mislead us with fake news or unreliable sources. Thus, it's crucial to develop critical thinking skills and verify the information we all receive from different online sources. When it comes to my friends and family I have seen that technology can have both positive and negative impacts on relationships. One hand it can facilitate communication and help people stay connected whenever or wherever they are. Then on the other hand it can create distractions and hinder face to face interactions, leading to a sense of disconnection. Individuals should be mindful of their online footprint, as prospective employers or anyone else can easily access this information. It's essential to review one's online presence and ensure that it portrays a positive and professional image. If there is anything that could negatively impact one's reputation it's wise to remove or edit it.

    In addition to reviewing one's online presence for professional reasoning, it's also important to consider the potential privacy implications of one's online activities. Many online platforms and services collect data about their users, which can be used for advertising or other privacy, such as using strong passwords, and having a two factor authentication and being cautious about sharing personal information online. Technology can also provide opportunities for personal growth and learning. For example, online courses and educational resources are widely available, making it easier for people to develop new skills or pursue their interests. Social media can also provide opportunities for networking exposure to different and new ideas and perspectives.  However it's important to be open mined of the potential negative impacts of technology, such as social isolation, cyberbullying and the spread misinformation. Just like any other tool, technology should be used responsibly and with awareness of its potential consequences. Technology has became a huge part of our modern society, and it's up to individuals to find a healthy balance in their use of their technology. By being mindful and careful of the the potential benefits and drawbacks, we can make informed decisions about how to incorporate technology into our lives in a way that enhances our well being and helps support our own goals.

The individual level is the use of the technology also has wider implications for society as a whole. Technology has transformed many aspects of our lives, from how we work and communicate to how we gain and consume different media and engage in politics. As a result, it's essential to consider the broader impacts of technology on issues such as privacy, inequality and democracy. For example, the use of AI and automation is transforming many industries which could lead significant job displacement for some workers. Meanwhile at the same time, AI also has the potential to improve efficiency and create new job opportunities in other areas. The rise of social media has also brought about new challenges obviously for democracy, such as the spread of misinformation and the amplification of extremist voices. It's very crucial to address the issues through a combination of regulation, MEDIA LITERACY.!!! The use of technology also raises questions about privacy and dat protection. As more personal data is collected and analyzed by companies and government, individuals must be able to control and protect their own data.

    That's the effects and uses of technology but we need to really talk about the future and what technology will look like soon. The huge advancement of technology is called AI or Artificial Intelligence. The growth of AI over the past few years has been significant, with increasing investments and advancements in the field. Some key ways AI has grown are Investment. There has been a surge in investment especially in AI, with venture capital firms, huge tech giants and other governments pouring billions of dollars in research of AI and development. According to a report by Mckinsey, investment in AI has grown an average rate over 25% annually since 2013. Also there has been an advancement in machine learning. Machine learning, a subfield of AI,

has seen significant advancement in recent years. These advancements have led to development of more sophisticated algorithms that can learn from data and recognize different types of patterns and make predictions with more chances of it being accurate. AI applications have also been expanded and applied to a wider range of industries and use cases, from different healthcare and finance to transportation and education. With the growing availability of data and computing power, there are few areas where AI cannot be applied.  Adoption of AI by different businesses is also a huge reason for the growth of AI. AI powered solutions to improve efficiency, reduce cost and enhance customer experiences. 

                                                        CHAT BOTS 

    AI powered chatbots are huge nowadays. Chatbots are computer programs that use natural language processing (NLP) to simulate human conversation. They are designed to. interact with users in a conversation way and provide information or assurance or perform different tasks. Chatbots can be integrated into various platforms, including websites, messaging apps and voice assistants. They have become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in customer service and e-commerce applications. One of the primary benefits of chatbots is their ability to provide fast and accurate responses without human intervention. Moreover chatbots can also be designed to learn from user interactions, allowing them to improve their responses over time. This is accomplished through the use of machine learning algorithms, which enable the chase to find and identify different patterns in users input and adjust to that response

accordingly. There are some challenges when associated with chatbots. The primary concern is ensuring that they are able to understand and respond to user input accurately. This requires the development of NLP and training data sets that accurately reflect the nuances of human interaction and conversation. Another challenge is ensuring that chatbots are able to provide effective and appropriate responses to user input. This requires careful consideration of the chatbot's tone, language and messaging as well as the ability to recognize when it is appropriate to continue or escalate the conversation with the human. Overall, Chatbots represent a powerful tool for businesses and organizations looking to provide efficient and personalized customer service. With ongoing advancements in NLP and machine learning, we can expect to see even more sophisticated chatbots in the future generations to come. 


    Technology has become an integral part of our lives and its impact is far- reaching.   From the rise of AI to the growing importance of data and increasing chatbot use, technology is transforming the way we live and work every day. While there are certainly benefits to be gained from these advancements in technology there are also very important challenges and concerns we have to be aware of such as ethical consideration, regulation and the need for ongoing education and training. As technology continues to evolve, it will be important for us to stay informed and engaged, seeking out opportunities to harness its power and positive impact while also being mindful of its potential risks and drawbacks. Ultimately, it is up to us humans to shape the role of technology in our lives and ensure that it serves us in the best possible way. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Blog 9

Five Eyes was established during the Cold War to counter any intelligence activities of the soviet union or any other communist country. Five eyes are five countries...5 English speaking countries. New Zealand, Australia, Canada, UK and USA. Five Eyes continued to operate to this day and has expanded its scope beyond just military and political intelligence gathering. They now are involved in a wide range of activities, including counter-terrorism, cyber-security, and economic espionage. However, the exact details of the alliance's operations and activities remain largely classified from the public view. The alliances is also committed to upholding values like democracy and human rights. The Five countries see themselves as defenders of these values and work together to combat threats to them, such as terrorism and authoritarian. 

                                                                          EOTO #2: Five Eyes

Five Eyes enhanced national security by allowing member countries to share intelligence information and conduct surveillance activities, which can help enhance their national security to protect their citizens against terrorism and cyber attacks. They share expertises which can lead to more effective intelligence operations and counterterrorism efforts. They also have a mutual defense which means five eyes countries will come to each others aid in the event of an attack. When there are Pros there are cons. Fives eyes has privacy concerns. The alliance surveillance activities can raise privacy concerns as they involve the monitoring of citizens communications and activities. They also have a unequal power. The alliance is dominated by the US, which has significantly more resources and expertise than the other member countries. This can lead to a conflict between the alliance. Potential for abuse of the surveillance by the five eyes countries can be abused by the government, Particularly if there are weak checks and balances on their intelligence activities. 

Five Eyes have an effect on all of us. Surveillance, Privacy, Freedom of Speech, Political dissent. The Five Eyes countries have extensive surveillance capabilities, which could be used to monitor your online activities, commutations and other personal information. If you are a citizen of one of the Five Eyes countries, or if you live in a country that has a close relationship with alliance you may be subject to surveillance by these countries. The surveillance activities of the Five Eyes alliance can raise privacy concerns, particularly if you are someone who values your privacy and doesn't want your personal information to be collected and monitored. The alliances activities could potentially have an effect on freedom of the press particularly if people or groups are afraid to speak out of fear of the government.

Five Eyes alliance can affect you depending on a number factors and that not everyone will be affected in the same way. However it's worth being aware of the implications of the alliances activates particularly if you values your privacy or engage in activities that could be seen as politically sensitive or controversial  

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Blog 8

 Twitter is a social media platform that has grown rapidly since its launch in 2006. The Diffusion theory can help explain why some people became early adopters while others were late adopters or not adopters at all. The theory suggests that the adoption of new tech is influences by different factors, including perceived benefits of the technology, the level of complexity involved in the use of the tech and the level of social pressure to adopt the tech and the level of compatibility between the technology and the users existing behaviors and beliefs. 

    A reason why twitter caught on and spread rapidly was due to the benefits that were perceived by Twitter. Twitter also provides a platform for people to express themselves and share their opinions with a wide audience. It allows users to connect with others who share similar interests and to follow updates from people and organization they care about. Twitter has a simple and intuitive user interface that is easy to use and that makes it accessible to a wide range of people. To add another reason why some people became early adapters of Twitter may be because of the social pressure. As more people began using the platform and sharing interesting content or news others may have felt like they needed to be on the app in order to fit in or stay connected or stay up to date with their friends or colleagues 


 There are potential negative consequences associated with the technology. These include issues such as addiction, cyberbullying and the spread of misinformation. Additionally some people may choose not to use social media due to concerns about the impact it can have on their mental health.

As for the cost-benefit analysis of using new commutation technologies like social media it is important to weigh the potential benefits of the tech against the potential drawbacks. Some examples, while social media can provide a platform for connecting with others ands haring information, it can also lead to negative outcomes such as addiction, cyberbullying, and can spread misinformation. 

Now to keep people attached and up to date they will update their app which people nowadays call it "trends". That is why Tik Tok is so popular because of how its new everyday with dances or news or other content. Twitter was the "first" Tik Tok when they created Vine and Gifs. Twitter kept these users update and new fun ways to use the app which kept people around. Ultimately, the decision to use or not use social media is a personal one that only depends on individual preferences and priorities. Although almost 5 billion people use social media....

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blog 7

           Ben Shelton's emoji presentation is one that stuck out to me the most. I think a huge reason why it stuck out is because I use emojis everyday and when the phone gets a new update one of the first things I look for is the new emojis. It was really cool to see how one of the greatest presidents to ever exist Abe Lincoln used the first ever emoji (maybe). We still don't know how he meant to used it but he used the ;). After this was used the emoticon was used in the 60s-70s. Then in 1999 Shigetaka Kurita created the first emoji's. Ben explained how emojis were used today. How emojis are almost part of our speech. Emojis legit can create a whole sentences on their own. Ben made it very easy to understand and follow along in his speech because he stood in front of the class and projected his voice out into the audience. He got the audience involved by asking questions and using pictures and was very confident in how he gave his speech which helped us as the audience trust him and his words.  

I was a big fan of the Netflix presentation by Madison. I use Netflix almost everyday it feels like and to hear how it was formed and how it was made was very interesting. The first thing that stuck out to me was when she mention the Pros and Cons. She first said how the Pros consists of being Affordable. Netflix is relatively affordable compared to traditional cable TV, with a variety of subscription options to fit different budgets.It's easy to use and has a user-friendly interface that allows you to search for and find content quickly and easily. Netflixhas a wide selection of content: Netflix offers a large library of movies, TV shows, and documentaries from different genres and countries. The cons of Netflix are Addiction. Binge-watching can become addictive, and it can be challenging to stop watching once you start. This can lead to procrastination and lack of productivity. I remember Madison mentioned about how kids don't go outside as much anymore because of Netflix and how it is a huge reason for the term "Screenagers". She also mentioned Limited content availability: Some content on Netflix is only available in certain countries or regions, which can be frustrating if you live in a country where your favorite show or movie is not available.

 I also liked Brandon Allen's project on the internet and the world wide web. He mentioned where the internet started with 2 computers exchanging data over a low speed dial up line. He mentioned how the internet

Showed off the idea at ICCC In 1972 (International Computer Communication Conference) which Created Email and Became largest used application of the decade. The World Wide Web Went live in 1991, released in 1992. 

Allowed for creation of “domains” that any computer could visit Internet Explorer released in 1995. Then Brandon goes into some of the first uses of the internet which was rapid commutation - news - stock market - Digital Entertainment. He was very knowledgeable and confident

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Blog 10

 After watching the video "In the Age of AI," I learned about the vast potential and impact of AI in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. I also learned about the ethical concerns that come with the development and use of AI, such as privacy, bias, and job displacement.

One of the important takeaways from the video is the transformative power of AI, as it can revolutionize industries and transform how we live and work. For example, AI can help doctors diagnose and treat diseases more accurately and efficiently, which can lead to better health outcomes for patients. It can also help businesses make better decisions and optimize their operations, resulting in increased productivity and profitability.

One thing that surprised me in the video was the extent to which AI is already integrated into our daily lives, such as in virtual assistants and personalized recommendations on online platforms. It made me realize how much we rely on AI without even realizing it and how much it has already transformed our daily experiences.

At the same time, the video also frightened me in some ways, particularly in the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes or to perpetuate biases and inequalities in society. It emphasized the need for careful consideration and oversight of AI development and use to ensure that it benefits society as a whole and not just a select few. 

There are numerous positive aspects of increasingly complex artificial intelligence and machine learning, including: Improved efficiency - AI and machine learning algorithms can process large amounts of data quickly and accurately, improving efficiency in a wide range of industries. Enhanced accuracy- With machine learning, AI systems can make accurate predictions and decisions based on complex data patterns and trends, which can improve the accuracy of everything from medical diagnoses to fraud detection.

However, there are also concerns regarding AI, particularly in regards to privacy, national security, and online security.


Pros: AI can be used to improve privacy by automating data protection and enhancing cybersecurity measures.  AI can also help to identify and mitigate potential privacy breaches.

Cons: here is a risk that AI could be used to collect and process personal data without consent or for malicious purposes. As AI becomes more advanced, there is a concern that it could be used to create highly targeted and invasive advertising or to manipulate individuals through the use of personal data.

National Security:

Pros: AI can be used to enhance national security by analyzing large amounts of data to detect and prevent potential threats. AI can also be used to automate certain security tasks, freeing up human resources for other important tasks.

Cons: There is a risk that AI could be used for cyberattacks or to develop more sophisticated weapons.There is also a risk that AI could be used to identify and track individuals, which could violate privacy and civil liberties.

Online Security

Pros: AI can be used to detect and prevent cyberattacks and identity theft, which can help to protect individuals and organizations from financial losses and repetitional damage.

Cons:There is a risk that AI could be used to develop more sophisticated cyberattacks that are difficult to detect and prevent.There is also a risk that AI could be used to steal personal data or to impersonate individuals online.

Monday, April 3, 2023

blog 6

 One possible reason is that mainstream media outlets are often owned by large corporations or individuals with vested interests in maintaining certain political and economic systems. These outlets may have a bias towards promoting a certain narrative or perspective that aligns with their interests.

Additionally, mainstream media may be more inclined to support the government's actions, especially during times of war, in order to maintain access to government officials and information. This can lead to a lack of critical analysis and alternative perspectives in mainstream news coverage.

Alternative media sources, such as the websites you mentioned, are often more independent and free from the constraints of corporate or government influence. As a result, they may be more willing to challenge mainstream narratives and provide a platform for dissenting voices.

However, it is also worth noting that these alternative media sources may have their own biases and limitations, and it is important to approach all sources of information critically and with a discerning eye.

he issue of media bias and the lack of diverse perspectives in mainstream news is a longstanding and complex issue that has been debated by journalists, scholars, and the public for many years.

Some experts argue that media bias is inherent in the nature of journalism, as news organizations must make decisions about what stories to cover, how to frame them, and which sources to use. These decisions can be influenced by a range of factors, including the news outlet's ownership, advertisers, and audience preferences.

Others argue that media bias is not inherent, but rather a product of cultural and institutional factors that shape the way news is produced and consumed. For example, journalists may rely on government officials and mainstream sources for information, leading to a narrow range of perspectives being represented in news coverage.

In recent years, the rise of social media and alternative news sources has disrupted the traditional media landscape, providing new platforms for diverse perspectives and independent voices. However, these sources also face their own challenges, including the spread of misinformation and the difficulty of sustaining financial viability in a crowded media market.

Overall, the issue of media bias and the lack of diverse perspectives in news coverage is a complex and ongoing debate. It is important for individuals to seek out a variety of news sources and to approach all sources critically, in order to gain a more complete and nuanced understanding of the issues.

Thursday, March 30, 2023




Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. The idea for Twitter came to Dorsey in 2005 while he was working on a side project that involved sending status updates via SMS. He realized that the concept could be expanded to allow users to share their thoughts and experiences with a wider audience, and thus Twitter was born.

The founders of Twitter were trying to solve a problem that existed in the world of social media at the time: the lack of simplicity. Social media platforms were often complex and difficult to navigate, and users had to wade through a lot of noise to find the content they were interested in. Twitter was designed to be a simple, straightforward platform that allowed users to share short, bite-sized updates in real-time.


Twitter has had a profound impact on our world since its inception. It has become a powerful tool for communication, journalism, and activism. Twitter has enabled people to connect with each other in ways that were previously impossible, breaking down geographical and cultural barriers. It has allowed users to share their thoughts and experiences with a global audience, providing a platform for people to express themselves and share information.

One of the main problems that Twitter has solved is the dissemination of information in real-time. Twitter has become a go-to source for breaking news, providing users with up-to-the-minute information on events happening around the world. It has also given a voice to marginalized communities, allowing them to share their experiences and stories with a wider audience.

However, Twitter has also had some negative effects. The platform has been criticized for facilitating the spread of fake news and hate speech. Twitter has been accused of not doing enough to combat harassment and abuse on the platform, leading to calls for stricter moderation policies. Additionally, Twitter's algorithmic timeline has been criticized for prioritizing sensational and controversial content over more meaningful and informative updates.

Overall, Twitter has had a significant impact on the way we communicate and share information. While it has had some negative effects, its positive impact on journalism, activism, and global communication cannot be denied.


                              RELATIONSHIPS/EFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY      In general, technology can be a positive force in our lives, helping ...